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Electrical Design Courses Online


Electrical Design Courses Online entails Planning, Creating, Testing, or Supervising the development and installation of electrical equipment, including lighting design, power systems, power distribution, fire and life safety systems, electronic components and voice and data communications infrastructure.

The design engineering and construction of industrial plants involve a multi-disciplinary team effort. The goal is to design safe and dependable processing facilities in a cost-effective manner. The fact is that there are very few formal training programs that focus on the design and engineering of Electrical systems of such big plants. Therefore, most of the required skills are acquired while on the job, reducing productivity and efficiency.

Many Electrical Design projects start with an idea that emanates from the marketing and sales department or from a research and development division within a company. Electrical Design products might represent a new marketable product or might seek to improve an existing product or system.

In our education institutions, no formal studies are providing to the students in electrical design. Due to a lack of awareness, students will not get skilled in electrical design systems. But there is a huge demand for Electrical Design Engineers in many segments like design, manufacture, and installation of power and distribution systems, Sub-stations Design, commercial and Domestic interior lighting, selection of the protective device, CCTV System Design, design of security system, design of fire alarm systems, design of low current systems and Sound Systems design.


Offered in Electrical Design Courses

S.No. Course Related to Electrical Detail Design Downloads Duration
 1 Electrical Design Engineering ( Full Time) 45 Days
 2 Electrical Design Engineering (Only Sunday) 3 Months
 3 Electrical Design Engineering (Fastrack Batch) 8 Days
 4 Electrical Design Engineering (Correspondence) 1 Year

What You Will Gain?

  • What You Will Gain?
  • Introduction to plant engineering
  • Electrical equipment technology & protections
  • Electrical drawing and documentation
  • Cable selection, sizing, standards & accessories
  • Illumination design
  • Power system protection
  • Earthing and lightning/surge protection
  • Testing, troubleshooting, and maintenance of electrical types of equipment
  • System studies and calculations

Training Features

  • Job Oriented Training Program based on current Industry Demand.
  • EPC Project Based Training.
  • Providing all Training Material and technical Drawing, documents and case study materials.
  • Expert and Experienced Faculty from the Industry.
  • Preparation for Interview and Mock Interview Sessions.


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